
Section 20 of the Swedish Co-Determination Act
Version 2021:1114, English translation

Overview of the entire Co-Determination Act

Rätt till information Right to Information
20 § Section 20

Finns lokal arbetstagarorganisation, skall informationsskyldigheten enligt 19 § fullgöras mot denna. Vid förhandling enligt 14 § andra stycket skall skyldigheten fullgöras även mot central arbetstagarorganisation, i den mån informationen är av betydelse för förhandlingsfrågan.

Where there is a local employees' organisation, the obligation to provide information under Section 19 shall be fulfilled in relation to such organisation. In respect of negotiations under the second paragraph of Section 14, the obligation shall also be fulfilled in relation to the central employees' organisation to the extent that such information is of significance for the matter under negotiation.

Informationsskyldigheten enligt 19 a § skall fullgöras mot lokal arbetstagarorganisation om sådan finns. Lag (2005:392).

The information obligation under Section 19 a shall be performed in relation to a local employees’ organisation if there is one. (SFS 2005:392)

Source: www.riksdagen.se