
Section 26 of the Swedish Co-Determination Act
Version 2021:1114, English translation

Overview of the entire Co-Determination Act

Kollektivavtal Collective Bargaining Agreements
26 § Section 26

Kollektivavtal som har slutits av arbetsgivar- eller arbetstagarorganisation binder inom sitt tillämpningsområde även medlem i organisationen. Detta gäller oavsett om medlemmen har trätt in i organisationen före eller efter avtalets tillkomst, dock ej i den mån han redan är bunden av annat kollektivavtal.

A collective bargaining agreement that has been concluded by an employers' organisation or an employees' organisation shall also be binding, within its area of applicability, upon a member of such organisation. This shall apply irrespective of whether the member joined the organisation before or after the agreement was entered into, but not to the extent that he is already bound by another collective bargaining agreement.

Utträder medlem ur organisation som har slutit kollektivavtal, upphör han ej därmed att vara bunden av avtalet.

In the event that a member resigns from an organisation that has concluded a collective bargaining agreement he shall not cease to be bound by the agreement as a consequence of such resignation.

Source: www.riksdagen.se