
Chapter 6 Section 14 of the Swedish Work Environment Act
Version 2023:349, English translation

Overview of the entire Work Environment Act

6 kap. Samverkan mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare m.m. Chapter 6 Cooperation between employers and employees, etc.
14 § Section 14

I förhållande till arbetsgivare vinner 4--7 och 10--13 §§ tillämpning när den organisation eller de arbetstagare, som har utsett skyddsombudet, har underrättat arbetsgivaren om valet eller, om arbetsgivaren icke har kunnat nås, sänt underrättelse om valet till arbetsstället.

Sections 4–7 and 10–13 shall apply to an employer when the employer has been notified of the choice of a safety representative by the organisation or the employees making the appointment or, if the employer could not be reached, when notice of the choice has been sent to the workplace.

Source: www.riksdagen.se