
Chapter 8 Section 8 of the Swedish Work Environment Act
Version 2023:349, English translation

Overview of the entire Work Environment Act

Sanktionsavgift Financial penalties
8 § Section 8

En sanktionsavgift får tas ut bara om ansökan har delgetts den som avgiftsföreläggandet riktas mot inom fem år från den tidpunkt då överträdelsen skedde.

A financial penalty may only be charged if the person subject to the penalty order has been served with the application within five years of the time the infringement occurred.

Ett beslut om att avgift ska tas ut ska genast sändas till länsstyrelsen. Avgiften ska betalas till länsstyrelsen inom två månader från det att beslutet vann laga kraft. En upplysning om detta ska tas in i beslutet.

The county administrative board must be notified immediately of a decision to charge a penalty. The penalty must be paid to the county administrative board no later than two months after the decision became final and non-appealable. Information to this effect must be included in the decision.

Om avgiften inte betalas inom den tid som anges i andra stycket, ska dröjsmålsavgift tas ut enligt lagen (1997:484) om dröjsmålsavgift. Den obetalda avgiften och dröjsmålsavgiften ska lämnas för indrivning enligt lagen (1993:891) om indrivning av statliga fordringar m.m. Lag (2013:610).

If the penalty is not paid within the period of time stated in the second paragraph, a late payment penalty will be imposed under the Late Payment Penalties Act (1997:484). The unpaid penalty and the late payment penalty shall be turned over for collection in accordance with the Act on the Collection of Debts to the State (1993:891). Act (2013:610).

Source: www.riksdagen.se