Section 13 of the Swedish Working Hours Act
Version 2013:611, English translation
Overview of the entire Working Hours Act
Important Notice
This is an outdated version of the Working Hours Act. The Swedish government produced a one-off unoffical English translation of the Working Hours Act in 2015. This page is based on that translation. The Working Hous Act has been revised repeatedly since then. None of the revisions have been translated into English. A summary of the changes is available on
Arbetstidens förläggning m.m. | Organisation of working time, etc. |
13 § | Section 13 |
Alla arbetstagare skall ha minst elva timmars sammanhängande ledighet under varje period om tjugofyra timmar (dygnsvila). Avvikelse får göras tillfälligtvis, om det föranleds av något särskilt förhållande som inte har kunnat förutses av arbetsgivaren, under förutsättning att arbetstagaren ges motsvarande kompensationsledighet. |
All employees are entitled to a minimum rest period of eleven consecutive hours in any twenty-four hour period (daily rest period). Derogations may be made on a temporary basis if this is caused by a special circumstance that the employer could not have foreseen, provided that the employee is given a corresponding compensatory rest period. |
I den dygnsvila som alla arbetstagare har rätt till skall tiden mellan midnatt och klockan 5 ingå. Avvikelse får göras, om arbetet med hänsyn till dess art, allmänhetens behov eller andra särskilda omständigheter måste bedrivas mellan midnatt och klockan 5. Lag (2005:165). |
The daily rest period that all employees are entitled to shall include the hours between midnight and 05.00. Derogations may be made if the work, in view of its nature, the needs of the general public or other special circumstances, must be carried out between midnight and 05.00. Act (2005:165). |
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