
Section 9 of the Swedish Working Hours Act
Version 2013:611, English translation

Overview of the entire Working Hours Act

Important Notice

This is an outdated version of the Working Hours Act. The Swedish government produced a one-off unoffical English translation of the Working Hours Act in 2015. This page is based on that translation. The Working Hous Act has been revised repeatedly since then. None of the revisions have been translated into English. A summary of the changes is available on lagen.nu.

Övertid Overtime
9 § Section 9

Har en natur- eller olyckshändelse eller annan liknande omständighet som inte har kunnat förutses av arbetsgivaren vållat avbrott i verksamheten eller medfört överhängande fara för sådant avbrott eller för skada på liv, hälsa eller egendom, får övertid tas ut för arbete i den utsträckning som förhållandena kräver (nödfallsövertid).

If a natural disaster or accident, or other similar situation that could not have been foreseen by the employer, has caused an interruption in operations or entailed imminent danger of such interruption or injury to life, health or property, overtime hours may be worked to the extent that circumstances require (overtime in emergency situations).

Om det för arbetsstället finns en lokal arbetstagarorganisation inom vars avtalsområde arbetet faller, får nödfallsövertid tas ut endast under förutsättning att arbetsgivaren snarast underrättar organisationen om övertidsarbetet. Lag (2011:740).

If, at the workplace, there is a local employee organisation and the work carried out falls within the scope of its collective agreement, overtime in emergency situations may only be worked provided that the employer promptly notifies the organisation of the overtime work. Act (2011:740).

Source: www.riksdagen.se