
Privacy Policy

Personal Data

DataHow it's gathered
NameA name is required in order to register an account. It can also be updated after registration.
EmailAn email address is required in order to register an account. It can also be updated after registration.
CompanyA company or workplace must be specified in order to register an account. It can be changed after registration, and further companies can be added.

Sensitive Personal Data

According to article 9 (1) GDPR, trade union membership is an example of a special category of especially sensitive personal data. Your name, email address and other 666a usage data may explicitly or implicitly reveal your trade union membership. Your acceptance of this privacy policy constitutes consent for the processing of this special category of personal data as per article 9 (2.a) GDPR.


DataWhat it's for
NameIncluding the recipient's name in email notifications makes them less likely to get marked as spam.
EmailSending emails depends on an email address.
CompanyThere are more than 1000 new public filings per day at the Work Environment Authority and this information is how the system filters that.


Aggregated, anonymized statistical data may be made available to trusted third parties from time to time. Examples of this might include "average number of company subscriptions per user", or "total signups during February". Specific individual information will never be disclosed to third parties in this manner.


Each user's personal data is retained for the duration of the existence of that user's account. Deleting a user account triggers the immediate deletion of the associated personal data from the production server. Personal data may persist after account deletion in backups of the production server, but will eventually be flushed out.


Users may request deletion of their personal data at any time using the automated account deletion tool. Alternatively, for example if account access has been lost, users may contact henry@666a.se to request manual deletion of personal data.


Users may request a full copy of all personal data using the automated download tool. Alternatively, for example if account access has been lost, users may contact henry@666a.se to request manual retrieval of personal data.


Email henry@666a.se for any data protection-related enquiries or requests.